

analogy of my relationship

I was the book he never read but he kept on his nightstand anyway.


I began to understand the fucking difference between someone who speaks to you on their free time and someone who frees their time to talk to you.

memory lane

Now you’re just a story I can’t tell anymore

Never let me go

I hope you remember me. I hope you you see something that reminds you of me and a smile starts to crawl across your face until you realize that the reason your smiling is no longer a part of your life. Then it’ll hit you,

You should have never let me go

waste my t i m e

cause i saw you with your beautiful green eyes, and thought i’d call you mine.

but you stared right into my sad brown eyes and decided to waste my time.

Do it anyway

Have you ever loved someone more than they’d ever love you back and you knew it, but you did it anyway?

Next time, remember no reason to stay is a good reason to go.


you loved me because i made you feel loved.

I loved you because I loved you.

Find Yourself

After the breakup, I had to find myself again. I had to figure out which personality was mine and which ones I created to please you.

if you ever loved him

if you ever loved him like i loved him, i bet you’re heart broken too.

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